meow meow meow watching spiderman (by sam raimi, the good one)
happy mew year everyone!
on the couch with the kunkiest guy i know (rick the cat)
my youtube watch later is approaching 1000 videos i am a demon
do not request information about the legal ramifications of my lattes I WILL NOT PROVIDE INFORMATION DON’T REPORT ME THERE’S NO NEED
i make myself laugh way too much hehe haha evil laugh
thinking about manbiki shounen wbu wyd
making a chai latte so big it’s illegal
gonna keep doing test posts until i’m sure everything is working
i think crossposting is still not working :/
bro looks so mad

i’m the most based kittengirl to ever live ever
i have been making screechy screamy little noises all day today and you know what that’s ok bc the end of the year is nigh
i wish i could buy :3
meow (test)
more test posting
actually yes meowing on the internet is my job
imagine misgendering me and i look like this
woke up so eepy today but happy nye :3
i’m feeling really gay for my wife rn i miss her and wish we could cuddle but instead i’m just on the couch with tummy ache, i should probwy go to bed :/
im so tired and my tummy hurty
offering to help someone and then being hella rude about it is really annoying
eating noodles
y’all i pulled a celebi cutscene card :3

spleen made a new minecraft server that’s been pretty fun to play, gonna hop on soon after i finish setting blog stuff up :3